Monday, February 3, 2014


Creating spiritual synapses

Since I started to work my inner world, joining points, working situations and assimilating the content learned, I created a kind of spiritual "synapses". (Leaving aside the cognitive synapses). This spiritual synapses is more subtle, barely unexplored map, some areas I start to know them, something better, especially the "acceptance". But most of the spiritual map remains a mystery, almost unexplored areas. My knowledge expands as ramifications that inevitably will connect me with new situations, especially with emotional and transcendental nature. Personally I think this kind of awakening that I'm experiencing (I do not think an enlightened, much less) is something inebitable. I'am sure that when the critical mass is reached, this same awakening, spontaneously will emerge from a along the entire planet. 

"I'm curious to know where it will take me all that."

Now I feel that at least in my case, all this knowledge is expanding in all directions equally, as an intelligent system, seeking to find the next piece I have to understand and assimilate with the highest priority.

We are all connected in some way, we are a "collective consciousness" and all the "individual" think or do, affect to a greater or lesser degree in this great "hive mind". So I try to take care of all my actions and thoughts, raising them to love, peace, and of course to the "unconditional acceptance."

This kind of network, the contrary to confuse me, inspires me confidence and peace of mind, because it is for my own good.

"Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life." 

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