Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Sometimes, I feel as if I was that glass and I was breaking inside. Watching helplessly as these gaps grow at full speed, before I could react, as if an invisible finger was pushing down on me, crushing me slowly, unable to do anything about it.

I'm talking about the stress and pressure, is something inevitable, but the difference is that now when they are presented suddenly, they do so with less intensity, and does not make me much harm. 

Now I can avoid those cracks stop growing. Try disconnecting from everything that stresses me, it's really complicated, there are days I can identify what it is that makes me feel anxious and stressed, such as work or family issue, but many times, I feel stressed without no apparent reason, such as when I'm on vacation.

I'm working on it, it's something that costs a lot of effort, I think partly because I judge myself too much, that I question everything and it's easier to see the faults of others than our own faults.

 Is time to accept and seal the cracks...

But I have to remember that, "there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in".

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