Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Sometimes, I feel as if I was that glass and I was breaking inside. Watching helplessly as these gaps grow at full speed, before I could react, as if an invisible finger was pushing down on me, crushing me slowly, unable to do anything about it.

I'm talking about the stress and pressure, is something inevitable, but the difference is that now when they are presented suddenly, they do so with less intensity, and does not make me much harm. 

Now I can avoid those cracks stop growing. Try disconnecting from everything that stresses me, it's really complicated, there are days I can identify what it is that makes me feel anxious and stressed, such as work or family issue, but many times, I feel stressed without no apparent reason, such as when I'm on vacation.

I'm working on it, it's something that costs a lot of effort, I think partly because I judge myself too much, that I question everything and it's easier to see the faults of others than our own faults.

 Is time to accept and seal the cracks...

But I have to remember that, "there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in".

Sunday, February 16, 2014


It's time to "HELP" instead of forsake.
It's time to "ACCEPT" instead of deny.
It's time to "LOVE" instead of hate.
It's time to "LIVE" not survive.
It's time to to be "HAPPY".
It's time to "FORGIVE".

It's time to be yourself!.

There are many reasons for which to be happy and authentic and so many excuses to abandon us to our ego and our laziness, to lie dormant without illusions, which only depends on you.

What does your heart tell you?

Friday, February 14, 2014


Some time ago I realized that is no longer necessary to keep pretending. Gone are the days in which I was falling into the trap of trying pleasing everyone, now I can shout it from the rooftops, I'm not willing to play a different role than myself!. Gone are the days of sadness and feeling of not fitting in anywhere, so they fell into the trap of acting to be accepted, but as I say that's over.

At this stage of my life, I intend to be true to myself, not to fight against my feelings and my way of thinking, just to please the other person. It is difficult, especially when I realize that I'm only in this "adventure" (you can always get advice from someone, something that will definitely be of great help), but they are my decisions that ultimately determine my future.

Many times I feel as if this just happened to me, I'm a misunderstood and when I try to talk to someone of the topic, they look at me with weird face. I try to downplay it is something a little frustrating, because in a way, I feel a prisoner of my own thoughts, unable to share them, except with a few mates.

Is this really true, or there will be someone else who feels the same?

“I will continue to grow toward the "sun" and while within me, my roots will continue to strengthen and accepting my true identity”.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Watching this picture, I realize how complex nature are and how complex we are. Actually rarely I get to thinking about it, just because I think I see as something natural and do not pay attention, until I see things like that, so simple, but as I say so complex, so delicate. I think in many ways we should learn from Mother Nature, take the example of all the lessons they provide.

It is true that most of the time I can't interpret the message she tries to show me, but luckily the few who I decipher (always under my own interpretation), are highly enlightening, make me feel that I am on the path I want to follow. A path that will take me to wonderful places, places that can not always be seen with the eyes, "where my inner voice" is the muse of my inspiration, a mentor, compassionate and fair, with a firm hand guiding me through becomings of life. We coexist at different levels, but we are "one", where unconditional love is our alliance.

I have much to learn from this little wonder (Taraxacum officinale or Dandelion). He lets the breeze take part of it without caring, knowing that it lets go, its seeds are ready to fly away and settle in new places. But this only happens when the seeds are fully ripe, ready for their long journey perpetuating the miracle of life. That's when the bud opensleaving them exposed to gradually take their characteristic spherical shape (this ensures that the breeze can detach them all) letting it take them so peculiar transport route. But sometimes not all can come off as easily, it seems that oppose some resistance and will need a slightly stronger breeze to be transported, but eventually they achieve their purpose, it's a matter of patience and waiting for the right time.

This is the example that I propose to follow, try to focus on control and understand my emotions and thoughts, know me better. Continue to mature as a person and continue working it all in depth. when I have "assimilated" and "accepted" I will let my mind like the bud nearly ripe, open and let all this energy gone with the wind. I am sure that all these good intentions, thoughts and emotions, will travel over time until the most remote places and come to form part of the collective consciousness. This way they will reach new hearts and minds, leaving my legacy of peace and love in each one of you.

Do not mean this to sound as if I were a pastor, a speaker or something like that, but that's how I feel it. I also say this because this is not a gift that a few possess. We all have the ability to transmit Our legacy to give the best of ourselves and let impregnate our world completely, not just restrict ourselves to the human race, but rather to each and every one of the components of living beings and whole planet, thereby all our essence will become part of the more subtle plane called collective consciousness, which in turn will become part of cosmic consciousness. Making this world a better place.

Are you willing to give it your best?

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Seems like just yesterday when I walked through Central Park, enjoying the landscape and tranquility. But while I'm back home, I left behind all the green (the place where I live is a very arid area, with little vegetation), when I looked around me, I remembered that integration is possible, a green lung in the middle of the city!. There are many examples of integration between nature and man, not enough in my opinion (but I'm glad to know that there will always be people interested in this integration and continue to keep that purpose in the future).

This is what I'm trying to do, integrate my spiritual side to my everyday life. Continue to expanding my particular “synapse” to the ends of my being.

Spirituality in the way I see, it is a state of life, a state of mind. This state of mind at least in my case is steeped in "love", I feel is the most energy akin to my being. Funny, but again I see that everything is connected, that one thing leads to another and improving any aspect of my life, all other "facets" will improve simultaneously.

-Love is the key to acceptance and acceptance bring you love back into your life.-
(This could be extrapolated to any other thought, feeling or emotion)

Monday, February 3, 2014


Creating spiritual synapses

Since I started to work my inner world, joining points, working situations and assimilating the content learned, I created a kind of spiritual "synapses". (Leaving aside the cognitive synapses). This spiritual synapses is more subtle, barely unexplored map, some areas I start to know them, something better, especially the "acceptance". But most of the spiritual map remains a mystery, almost unexplored areas. My knowledge expands as ramifications that inevitably will connect me with new situations, especially with emotional and transcendental nature. Personally I think this kind of awakening that I'm experiencing (I do not think an enlightened, much less) is something inebitable. I'am sure that when the critical mass is reached, this same awakening, spontaneously will emerge from a along the entire planet. 

"I'm curious to know where it will take me all that."

Now I feel that at least in my case, all this knowledge is expanding in all directions equally, as an intelligent system, seeking to find the next piece I have to understand and assimilate with the highest priority.

We are all connected in some way, we are a "collective consciousness" and all the "individual" think or do, affect to a greater or lesser degree in this great "hive mind". So I try to take care of all my actions and thoughts, raising them to love, peace, and of course to the "unconditional acceptance."

This kind of network, the contrary to confuse me, inspires me confidence and peace of mind, because it is for my own good.

"Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life." 

Sunday, February 2, 2014


(The picture belongs to the flower of a Lithops spp)

Yesterday after meditating for a few hours, I confirm to myself that, stop trying to control everything that happens in my  life has been the right choice, it has been somewhat liberating, I certainly feel as if I would have taken a huge weight off.

Now I am aware of what I've learned, because as I said in my previous post, "everything is a learning experience" both the good and the bad.

Since now I have the opportunity to change my attitude towards certain issues and implement what I have learned, all this work is also helping me to regain confidence in myself and prove that I can do whatever I set my mind.

Every day new challenges will arise and I will have to face them, some more difficult than others, but all surmountable.

"I accept my condition as an apprentice in this life"