Saturday, October 19, 2013


There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:

This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away!

 Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.

When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad - you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.

Stacey Charter

-I love my body without prejudice-

Thursday, October 17, 2013


The back, this great unknown which barely be seen, is my dark side, is the other side of the coin. We give the back to those who we do not like or who they hurt.

It's my harder side my "shell". I try not to use it much, since I realized that it is very easy, to get used to the easy to turn your back on all that apparently overcomes me and run the risk of not trying to face my problems.

My back has suffered greatly, from typical falls to painful contractures, to ignore and not listen when they would tell me, be careful that you're going to hurt!

But there cases where the "pride" makes me act like a fool.

I thank to my back, for letting me be straight and allow my body to hold together in perfect harmony and also for keep me protected.

I apologize to my back, for having punished such a manner and for the damage they may receive in the future.

-I love my back and accept it without prejudice-

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


The hands are part of our identity, not only because it can identify through them, but because behind every hand there is a story waiting to be discovered.

Depending on how damaged they are, those hands can tell us if that person has worked hard, in some cases even to figure out what kind of job has or had that person and even can give us clues about the personality of their "owners".

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, the hands are the "creators" of our world as we know it, were in charge of painting, to hold, to write, to caress and even show us that we can also speak without words.

Thus, agreements such as covenants and future friends, as well as reconciliations or dismissed are sealed with a handshake, but also use them to show empathy and shared accomplishments, even the most effusive and spontaneous celebrate it "bumping those five".
But they also allowed us to defend and protect.

What I can say from my hand?, I think it's one of the few parts of my body that I have not abused, the reason is simple, it is a body part that is always exposed to prying eyes and working facing the public their care and image are essential.

I accept my hands, but I apologize for the damage received and for all that they may receive in the future.

Thank hands, for allowing me to write this text!

What stories hide your hands?

-I love my hands and accept them without prejudice. -

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Today it is the turn of my legs to the gear that impels me every day, tireless workers that keep me upright all the time I need, thanks to them  I can run, jump, crouch, I even play. As might be expected, is another part of my body that I did not care enough, even claiming me some attention. Honestly I ignored them.

There are no more excuses, it's true when they say, "the body is the temple of the soul" and it is time to honor the quote and take care of my body as it should be.
This is not a game and my well being is essential!

My legs need me, only I can take care of them.

Now is the time to love my legs, pay more attention to them, listen to them when they need something. It's time to apologize for the damage taken by all the bumps and falls, for having hurt them, by the scars and for not properly protect them from the sun (here where I live the sun is relentless). That is why I apologize to my legs.

I am beginning to accept them, although this is something very difficult for me, but I'm willing to do. I do not know the reason, there is nothing wrong with them. It's something that I have to go deeper and find out the reason for this resistance.

-beginning to accept my legs-

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Since the moment I stopped crawling and learned to walk, my feet have been commissioned to supporting all my weight. It seems impossible, that they can pass as unnoticed, I only remember them when they hurt, but that is something that will change ...

My feet are the pillars of my body, but they are also responsible for guiding my steps and help me on my way.

They are essential part of my balance!

They keep me in touch with the Earth. If I were a plant, my feet would be the roots.

Thanks to my feet, I can feel the energy emanating from our planet Earth, when I walk barefoot on it.

They also works as a point of escape for all these tensions that we accumulate during the day, at least it works for me for a walk barefoot, if only indoors. It helps me to be better, to be more relaxed.

Beyond their physical appearance, I love my feet and I need them!

I apologize to my feet, for all those times that I abused, using tight shoes, overwhelming them by spending many hours standing and many other things. I apologize for not having been pampered and looked as they deserve, also I apologize for not having become aware that they are a very important part of me.

I accept my feet as they are, accept them without prejudice.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I still want to further deepen over the acceptance of my physical body, it will take me a while but I'm willing to hire me thoroughly and slowly discovering "my secret".

Since I started this project, I keep mulling over my head, I'm starting to tie all these thoughts going through my mind, that will gradually taking shape, but not easy.

"But there is no turning back once you start this adventure, everything charges a different meaning"

I realize that to accept myself, such acceptance does not come alone, on the contrary, acceptance is a host of other factors.

In my case, feel, love and forgive, play a very important role if I want to accept myself.

To do this, I plan a little exercise, I have to take to follow my path to self healing.

Each new day, I will focus on a different part of my body, I will feel it, forgive it and ultimately accept it. Depending on the perceived sensations (those who also write), it may take more than a day with each of them.

"Now it is time to be aware of my body"

-I love as I am without prejudice-

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Today is a new day, a new opportunity to continue learning and further deepen my inner world.

On the second day I will start working my acceptance on my physical body, not being complexed of my body and not see me with many defects. Although it seems that I have controlled, there is always some situation that is testing me again and makes me see that I have to be patient and work a little harder on my self esteem, which is intrinsically linked to acceptance.

But why is it so difficult to accept me as I am, what really stops me?
I find it so difficult in part because, I started to forget who I was already, losing my innocence. I'm still keeping my name, my last name, but there's something I have not yet managed to see. I mean my true identity, my essence.

Who am I really, is why I see myself like a stranger and don’t accept what don’t like about my body and so I have to rediscover myself, to finally accept me?

On the other hand I find it difficult to begin to accept me because I am still not 100% aware that I have to change my attitude. I am aware at times, the rest of the day I'm with the autopilot engaged and forget my purpose again.

("When this happens it's as if the emission was cut and my mind is filled with white noise")

I'm sure the change begins on me and it's me that has to change, to have a different attitude towards life, is my attitude that counts, it's me who has to change not the rest of the world.

-I love as I am without prejudice-

Friday, October 4, 2013


The acceptance, it is often very difficult to "accept" forgive the redundancy, more if it is self-acceptance.

   Now is clear that this commitment is something very intimate, is a kind of reconciliation that I have to take with myself and no one has the answers except myself.

 It is not an easy task, but it is very gratifying to see that over time can go heal all those wounds that weaken us and leave us powerless.

But to accept, to really accept and love every cell of my being, first I have to face one of my most basic instincts, “fear”.

  (It is true that the instinct has played an important role throughout our evolution, our specie thanks to him still endures in time.)

But I can not fall into the mistake of letting it rule my life, but does so in such a way that can’t  be recognize.

Even knowing that this change is for good, sometimes there are still times, where fear comes over me and leaves me offside. I still have a lot of work to do, there are many layers that I have to remove to accomplish this purpose and start accepting me in every way.

"I have to get into my head that I must not be afraid of change!

- I love and accept myself without prejudice-"

A brief introduction

I decided to start a small project, it is the first one I take, now I have the tools to carry it out (I have some more time and mental peace.)

The project will be focused on the "acceptance" in the broadest sense of the word.

I'll try to post a photo every 2 days for 2 months initially. I think it's a great way to become aware of what is really important in my life and continue evolving at all levels.
This is something that I really wanted to share with you all, I hope you enjoy this humble project as much as I will!

A hug!