The back,
this great unknown which barely be seen, is my dark side, is the other side of
the coin. We give the back to those who we do not like or who they hurt.
It's my
harder side my "shell". I try not to use it much, since I realized
that it is very easy, to get used to the easy to turn your back on all that
apparently overcomes me and run the risk of not trying to face my problems.
My back has
suffered greatly, from typical falls to painful contractures, to ignore and not
listen when they would tell me, be careful that you're going to hurt!
But there
cases where the "pride" makes me act like a fool.
I thank to
my back, for letting me be straight and allow my body to hold together in
perfect harmony and also for keep me protected.
I apologize
to my back, for having punished such a manner and for the damage they may
receive in the future.
-I love my
back and accept it without prejudice-
La espalda es el pilar básico del cuerpo y sin embargo permanece casi invisible, no sólo porque no la vemos, sino porque no le prestamos atención aun cuando aguanta toda la atención... ahora que estoy haciendo ejercicio hacemos algo que es apoyar toda la espalda en el suelo, incluido el huequecito de la cintura, es la primera vez que la estoy sintiendo en su conjunto mñas allá de los ocasionales (o no tan ocasionales en mi caso) dolores y no sólo físicamente, sino también a nivel de energía, de fuerza... es increíble