Saturday, November 16, 2013


Many times I feel strange, I feel depressed and anxious, as if fallen into a very deep and dark place, a frightening place, where my thoughts are my worst enemies and where the ground seems to be covered with thorns, that dig into my bare feet opening new wounds, making me feel more anxious and confused, preventing me get to the desired “exit”.

It is one of those days when you think everything is a dream and when you least expect, you'll wake up as if nothing had happened. But nothing is further from reality...

I have not yet clear, why some days those feelings haunt me, because I have not really any serious problems (at least at a conscious level), everything seems to work perfectly, the family, the job, but I have the feeling that the "acceptance" has to do something with it.

My inner voice usually give me many clues, but lately I feel disconnected from everything, it is a strange feeling in me, because I am a very friendly person, but now I feel the need to be only in my own "world" and to be left out of everything.

Maybe this is the best way that I have to assimilate all that is happening to me lately, maybe the silence and tranquility are my new teachers, who are trying to show me the way to connect with my inner teacher.

It is very difficult when you have a bad day focus on to find out why you feel that way and that is what is causing this situation. You just give up and pray that this bad time pass as soon as possible. But I have to be strong and learn the lesson to not fall into the same mistake twice.

If I want to accept myself, I have to lose the fear to commit myself and learn to shoulder my responsibilities.

Sorry for the delay!

1 comment:

  1. Creo que esos sentimientos con frecuencia son un síntoma que nos obligan a encarar la realidad tal y como es. Sin edulcorarla, ni adornarla, sin reescribirla, ni calificarla... la cruda realidad. Cuando la vemos tal como es -sin ni siquiera el filtro del amor- y la abrazamos, es entonces cuando viene la verdadera aceptación y la inquietud cesa
