Monday, November 25, 2013


Accept and not judge, accept what I have, all that is to come and my past too. My purpose is the global acceptance of "my whole being". To do this I have to get out of this spiral of "unconsciousness" in which I find myself trapped, take off all those layers that weigh me and are not necessary, detach the oxide that corrodes my soul, to see things as they are "really". This sounds really good, but it will be a great sacrifice, sacrifice all of my being unusable, to welcome change.

Every day that passes everything is taking a little more sense and I begin to understand the whole process better, although I have to admit that since I started my inner work, some time ago, have not yet been able to reveal almost nothing about my real me.

But it is true that each passing day, I feel the need to move forward and continue to deepen within me, all this is helping me to create a link between my carnal body and soul.

The changes are very subtle, barely imperceptible, but not least important. Are small fragments of memories, images and forgotten patterns, is like a codified language that I can’t fully understand yet, just get to decipher small fragments that help me to reinforce this bridge, between my body and my soul.

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