I give thanks for being alive another day, to be able to enjoy all the wonders that nature provides me. And all those beautiful things I'm finding that during the passage of the days.
I thank also to continue working on this project and for the inspiration that gives me my "inner voice" and my other great tool, my camera, in recent months has become an extension of my body. Has been commissioned to show me life from another perspective and awaken my creativity. Without this attraction that I have to the photography I think this project would not be possible, or it will look a very dull and flat way.
We all have ways to try to be inspired, some people meditate, others go for a walk, or while cooking some people feel that "spark" which shines brightly in their minds and makes it possible almost as if by magic, synchronize everything for a while and creativity arises, this state of peace and clarity of mind where all these amazing ideas emerge, who were buried under the amnesia which causes us daily routine.
As I mentioned in my previous posts, this illusion that makes us feel that our lives are scheduled for the second, since we wake up until we go to bed, can be controlled or eliminated.
But in 90% of cases, who prevents us to change that routine that we perform every day of the year, like an obligation?, nobody stopping us, we ourselves that we stuck to live this routine.
Acceptance also means "accept" that we can all "change", that we can express ourselves and despite everything, we put the "rules" in our lives. Personally every time feel less afraid and day after day I try to be more "I" and less "they"
Thank you all for visiting my gallery and my blog, without you none of this would also not be possible!.
What lovely photos and words!, I love your photos, but to say how you express yourself ..., I wish you well, you deserve it. A huge hug and kiss. Sorry my English ... It is a little bad.